I have started my own publication about AI (& Technology)

Come check it out!

Mostafa Ibrahim
Jan 30, 2022

Hey everyone, I have been writing on medium for over a year a now. I have got more than 310K total views and 800 followers thanks to all of my lovely AI readers. I have decided it's time to start my own publication along with my cousin Youssef Mohamed where we regularly post interesting and up-to-date articles about big technology products and the latest AI papers & tutorials.

If this sounds at all interesting, please come check us out here and maybe follow us if you like the content and you want more!:

Also, if you would like to contribute, leave a comment here or message me on Linkedin!



Mostafa Ibrahim
Mostafa Ibrahim

Written by Mostafa Ibrahim

Software Eng. University College London Computer Science Graduate. Passionate about Machine Learning in Healthcare. Top writer in AI

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